

Fire extinguishers are critical tools for controlling small fires before they become unmanageable. While they do not expire, many people...

Fire smoke testing is a critical process that ensures the safety and efficiency of HVAC and ventilation systems in the...

Building Smoke Leakage Testing at AirXpress Testing is a specialized service designed to evaluate and ensure the effectiveness of your building’s smoke control systems. This testing measures how well smoke is contained and controlled within the building during a fire event. Our process involves identifying

Fire extinguishers are critical tools for controlling small fires before they become unmanageable. While they do not expire, many people are unaware that fire extinguishers must be recharged after every use and periodically checked even if they haven’t been used. AirXpress Testing specializes in comprehensive


Fire dampers play a crucial role within HVAC system ductwork by preventing the spread of fire and smoke, ensuring the safety of a building’s occupants. Regular inspections, testing, and preventive maintenance of these fire systems and equipment are essential to meet Australian safety standards. AirXpress


Fire smoke testing is a critical process that ensures the safety and efficiency of HVAC and ventilation systems in the event of a fire emergency. At AirXpress Testing, we utilize advanced smoke machines to simulate fire conditions and evaluate how well these systems perform during


Fire hydrant water flow testing is a crucial process to determine the water availability for firefighting activities, fire sprinkler systems, and domestic water demand. Conducted by AirXpress Testing, this test also assesses the overall condition of the water distribution system, identifying issues such as closed


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